Triple High Mist Net

If are looking to add a Triple-high Mist Net setup to your bat capture arsenal, you can’t do better than the Triple-high Mist Net Pole System from Bat Conservation and Management.

There are less-expensive triple-high systems out there. And you could always scour the internet for information so you can cobble together the necessary parts to build your own setup. But you could spend well in excess of $700 for research, development, and re-development before you are all done. Or, you can purchase the best ready-made 3H pole system on the market today.

The BCM 3H Pole System is a time-tested product that is the culmination of a cadre of colleague inventiveness that began way back in 1992. That’s before BCM was founded and before the USF&WS summer Indiana bat survey guidelines were released. And the BCM system has been used at workshops taught by Bat Survey Solutions staff and colleagues for over three decades.

BCM’s system is robust yet portable, simple yet elegant, extensible, and ships to you ready to deploy — all you need are mist-nets! You will receive the sturdiest yet lightest weight aluminum poles, already installed with rigging and hardware, including four 50-foot top-guy lines, a complete pulley system with a pair of 60-foot pulley lines, two high-quality pulleys, enough net-carriers to stack nets three-high, two pole anchors, and a user manual with tips and tricks for successful deployment. Bat Survey Solutions has used the same set of BCM poles for over 10 years at training workshops and for surveys and we haven’t had to replace a single component.

From ease of use to dependability, season after season, year-after-year, there is no better way to stack mist-nets two, three, even four-high (inquire about BCM’s a’ la carte options for replacing pieces of and/or adding to your 3H system).

Pro-Tips . . .
The 3H pole system accommodates mist nets from 1.8-meters to 18-meters long. (Ask Avinet about purchasing specialty 3H “stacked” nets in any length.)

You can also stack nets 2H with this system with greater ease than by using extra “single high” poles. Plus, extra pole sections and net carriers are available from BCM if you want to go 4H!

Each pole breaks down into four 6-foot sections.

Your local specialty painter can anodize them to blend in with any habitat.

Poles come in a 6-foot carry bag, but Bat Survey Solutions keeps the poles joined for a full 27-foot length and transports them, rigging and all, on our vehicle roof-rack. There they are easy to remove and easy for one person to carry into the field.

We are certain that this will become your favorite mist-net system!

triple high mist net